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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

When Nothing But A Miracle Will Do

When you've tried everything and everything you've tried has failed,
When you're standing at the harbor and the ship of hope has sailed;
Friends have no answers and peace just can't be found,
Oh, but there's a hand of mercy that can turn it all around


When nothing, but a miracle, will do,
There's nothing that the hand of God cannot bring you through.
Well, I know He's more than able and He will deliver you,
When nothing but a miracle, will do.

When you cried out in the darkness and no one seems to hear
Just because you can't see Him, doesn't mean He isn't near.
Perhaps He's only waiting 'til you've done all you can do
Until He's the only thing that’s left to hold on too.

In your time of trials when you face the trial of doubt
Oh, just listen to a crowd of witnesses; you'll hear them crying out;
From a lion's den and a fiery furnace, from the belly of a whale,
Through prison walls, at a hopeless turn, walks a God who never fails
Ask Daniel, and Jonah, Peter and Paul, They're shouting with Lazarus He's livin' after all.

1 comment:

I am so glad you stopped by~! If you liked what you saw, let me know! Miranda

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